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As the economy continues to grow, more Lake Worth residents have the option to make improvements to their homes. A simple way to improve both the value and curb appeal is with a new fence, and one of the best materials is aluminum. Fence Crafters can use aluminum in the place of wood and wrought iron for many types of fencing. It is more resistant than either material when it comes to exposure from the sun and weather.

With over 25 years in business, few other companies can match us for experience when it comes to installing aluminum and other types of fencing in Lake Worth. We maintain an in-house manufacturing plant, design team, and an extensive warehouse with more material on-hand than any other fence company in Florida. Because of this, our team can handle the entire process of designing a fence, cut or molding every piece, and then installing it. Control of every step of the process saves the customer days and weeks compared to other companies.

It also makes aluminum an ideal material for Fence Crafters to use for many homes. It is non-porous, which makes it perfect for outdoors like backyard, privacy, and pool fences. Aluminum does not absorb water and does not rust. It is also resistant to pet urine so that homeowners can clean fence stains off with a garden hose. Once our technician’s prime and powder coat the fence, it can look vibrant and new for years after installation.

That makes aluminum perfect for decorative fences and gates. Technicians can shape the material and then powder coat it to look exactly like a traditional picket fence. Unlike wood, which has to be repainted regularly to maintain its appearance, an aluminum fence can remain picture perfect through many storm seasons and summer heat.

The resilience of aluminum also makes it a great material when it comes to lawn maintenance. Posts and slats do not show marks from lawnmowers or weed-eaters. At worst, the powder coat might be slightly marred which can quickly be touched up in a few minutes.

Our goal at Fence Crafters is to help you design, build, and install a fence that matches your Lake Worth home and personality. Call our West Palm Beach office today at 561-725-3316 to get started with a free design meeting and estimate.

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